There are five main methods of sending your entries.
These are:
Sending via Internet
By selecting this option the data will be submitted to the Fleettracker via the Internet respectively an API call. Please select one of the otheroptions as a fall back option in case Internet is not available.
To use the direct internet connection for Daily Report, the following URL has to be avaiable from aboard.
The URL is:
Port: 443 (HTTPS)
Default E-mail client
With this option, the program uses the default e-mail client of the Windows system. To use your e-mail client (e.g. SkyFile), you have to define it as default. The easiest way to achieve this is to do the following:
On Windows 7
1. Open an Internet Explorer window
2. Open the Internet options (menu Tools/Extra ->Internet Options).
3. Select the E-Mail client of your choice and click on OK.
On Windows 10
1. Right-click on the start button and choose Apps & Features.
2. Choose Default App.
3. Now change the standard program for your e-mail.
Now, the Client program will directly access your e-mail client if you click on Send now.
Make sure that you entered your e-mail address into the following section:
Sending attachments manually
To send the file manually, please do the following:
1. Open your e-mail client.
2. Create a new e-mail.
3. Enter as the destination address.
4. Attach the report file you have created previously. Please ensure that you send the correct file.
5. Send the e-mail.
You may send the report file as an attachment or include the file's contents in the e-mail message.
Important: The software creates two text files (a dr3 file and a fform file.) dr3 files contain the schedule data and the fform Noon reports. If both files are attached to an email, we will only process the first attachment. Please note that our server can work with one attachment per message only. So, please send the fform.txt and the dr3.txt separately.
The files which can be generated from Daily Report 3 are as follows:
dr3_... files: They contain Schedule information, Arrival, and Departure Reports.
fform_... files: They contain Noon Report and other company-specific reporting files.
noad...xml flies: They contain eNoad report files.
Please do not send any other messages other than report files to the e-mail address above! The server disregards any additional information included or attached to e-mails sent to this e-mail address.
Using floppy for Inm-C terminal
This option can be used if there is a floppy driver in use via the Inmarsat C terminal.
SMTP server
This option enables to use of SMTP server options. Additionally, it can be used for sending the reports from a different mail address.
The only thing is that you need to know your SMTP Host and port.
- SMTP name is your e-mail address and Password is your e-mail password,
In the below case, our mail server information is like below and I entered my SMTP info as below. If you don't know your SMTP details, you should ask them your IT. When I click "Send", Daily Report automatically sends the reports with these settings.