1. Open an existing or create a new voyage. To add a cargo for estimation choose between either selecting an existing cargo or entering a new one. In this example an existing cargo will be chosen.
2. Find the cargo that shall be added to the voyage estimation and click on it.
3. Confirm by click "OK"
4. When the cargo has been added, enter the expected bunker rates or confirm the price of bunkers added from a previous voyage, if a previous voyage has been set.
5. For the cargo enter an offer price that will be used for calculating the gross freight. The freight can be entered as either lump sum or per unit of the cargo.
6. In the schedule below for each leg the speed can be adjusted. By default it will be prefilled with the speed set as "Eco Speed" in the Ship Details.
7. A "Sea Margin %" can be entered to account for weather factors during the voyage which will affect the voyage result.
8. Click "SAVE" to save all entered information.
9. Once all entered information is saved the cargo offer can be fixed. This will cause offers for the same cargo in other voyage estimations to be removed in order to avoid double booking a cargo.
10. Finally confirm to complete the fixing of the cargo.