Under Delete Position the position of ships can be deleted if, for example, positions were reported wrongly.
Below is the default view of Delete Position.
1. First, you need to choose a ship whose position you want to delete.
2. After clicking on updates you get a list with all positions and a chart with the position of the ship.
3. You can change the order of the positions by clicking on the arrows.
4. Now, the sorting is in a different timely order.
1. To delete a position, you can mark a position in the list. Then click on the button Delete selected positions. You can also choose more than one position for deleting.
2. Afterwards a new window opens in which you need to confirm the deletion of the position. Alternatively, you can cancel deleting the position.
3. After clicking on confirm, you can see that the position was deleted.
4. You can also delete positions by marking them on the chart. A marked position will be shown in yellow. If you press on Delete selected positions, they are deleted.
Deleting implausible positions
Our barriers catch the wrong data and don't take it into account- However, sometimes the position data interferes with another vessel's data and the calculated track becomes longer. This is a rare problem that we don't come across very often. However, we created an additional barrier for assessing the position data and now we are eliminating almost all inconsistent position information.
You can select all implausible positions via a single click.
Below example, the vessel has two positions off Rotterdam when she was located within the Baltic. This situation creates a longer past track than reported and must be corrected.
1) To select implausible positions, please click the past track
2) You will see the wrong positions on the map as well.
3) To select the implausible positions, please click the "select implausible positions" button
4) After the selection, positions will be trackable from the map, and the list
5) After clicking the "Delete selected positions" button, the past track will be corrected from false positions.