Depending on the package of Fleettracker, you can use different functions.
If you are a gold customer you have these functionalities:
- The Dashboard gives you a fast overview of everything that is happening in Fleettracker.
- The Chart is the map on which the position of the ships are shown and offers you many overlays for example for calculating a route, or for a weather forecast.
- In Schedule you can view the schedules of a ship, of ship groups, of your fleet, and when ports are being called.
- In Crew, you can view crew details of every ship.
- The Analysis contains options to analyze the performance of a ship
- CO2 contains the reporting options MRV and IMO DCS as well as the Data Quality Module.
- Data offers you an overview of the reports and positions of ships and offers the option to edit this information.
- Admin offers the status of your ship, to fill in ship details, and to change the general setting of your Fleettracker account.
If you are a silver customer you have these functionalities:
- The Chart is the map on which the position of the ships are shown and offers you many overlays for example for calculating a route, or for a weather forecast.
- In Schedule you can view the schedules of a ship, of ship groups, of your fleet, and when ports are being called.
- In Crew, you can view crew details of every ship.
- Data offers you an overview of the reports and positions of ships and offers the option to edit this information.
- Admin offers the status of your ship, to fill in ship details, and to change the general setting of your Fleettracker account.
If you are a basic customer you have these functionalities:
- The Chart is the map on which the position of the ships are shown and offers you many overlays for example for calculating a route, or for a weather forecast.
- Data offers you an overview of the reports and positions of ships and offers the option to edit this information.
- Admin offers the status of your ship, to fill in ship details, and to change the general setting of your Fleettracker account.